15+ Best Webflow Templates for your Next Website Project

Pre-made Webflow templates offer an easy way to get a website up and running quickly. In this post, we're sharing our top template picks for businesses across a range of industries.

Stephanie Corrigan
15+ Best Webflow Templates for your Next Website Project

Although nothing beats custom design, well-designed templates are a great starting point for new business owners who aren't ready to invest in a bells and whistles website. However, not all templates are created equally, and with so many options to choose from, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Luckily, we've got you covered with a curated list of beautiful Webflow templates.

Before we dive in, you may be wondering--why Webflow? Aren't platforms like Squarespace and Wix cheaper and easier to use? Here at Flux Academy, we're big proponents of Webflow, and here's why: Webflow is a no-code website builder that allows you to design and build custom websites in one fluid process. It generates clean code, which helps your website run fast and efficiently. Furthermore, it offers ecommerce and CMS integrations to support you with all your website needs.

Check out this post for an in-depth comparison between Webflow and WordPress.

Who are these Webflow templates for?

Webflow templates are perfect for small businesses that want to reap the benefits of Webflow without the price tag of custom design. Additionally, Webflow templates are great for web designers who are either new to Webflow, or who are working with a client on a semi-custom website project. Utilizing a template can be a good way for designers to get familiar with Webflow's builder without starting off with an intimidating blank page.

If you're an aspiring Webflow designer, be sure to enroll in Ran Segall's free masterclass. This value-packed webinar teaches how to create a $20k website in 7 hours using Webflow.

Top 16 Webflow templates

Keep scrolling for a roundup of our top 16 Webflow templates, both free and paid. Presented in no particular order, these beautiful templates can provide a solid foundation for your next website project. With a bit of customization, you'll have a professional, user-friendly website on your hands in no time.

1. Byrå ($24 USD)

Byra Webflow template

Byrå is a modern, trendy, and fully responsive Webflow template created by Udesly. This template hits the mark on many of 2020's top web design trends, such as dark mode, oversized type, and animation. Byrå is marketed for agencies, but it works well for any kind of creative portfolio website. The interactive portfolio section on the homepage offers an engaging way to show off your latest work. In the vast sea of very basic looking websites, this Webflow template is guaranteed to help your new website stand out.

2. Otis ($79 USD)

Otis Webflow template

Otis is another Webflow template for agencies that was created by Deni Bozo. Like Byrå, Otis makes great use of the dark mode trend. But if you're not into dark mode, don't let that deter you--all of these Webflow templates are fully customizable, including their color schemes. Otis features a clean and grid-centric layout that is easy to follow along with. Very subtle animations, like the button hover effect, add a touch of interactivity without overwhelming the user. The homepage layout features a full-width video, which can be a highly effective way to engage users. In addition, Otis includes page templates for case studies, blog posts, and e-commerce. All in all, it's a versatile template that could produce great results for websites across a range of industries.

3. Luma (free)

Luma Webflow template

Working with a tight budget on your website project? Consider Luma, a free Webflow template offered by Webflow itself. Luma is a minimalist and modern template with built-in e-commerce functionality. It features large photos, plenty of whitespace, and a sleek and intuitive user experience. The template is built with Webflow's free Prospero UI kit, which is also available for your use. If you're looking to create a modern e-commerce website, Luma can get you there quickly and easily.

4. Smile ($79 USD)

Smile Webflow template

Smile is a beautiful and versatile Webflow template built specifically for the dental clinic niche. Thoughtfully created by Maxim White, it's a great option for any business in the health, wellness, or medical niche. The overall look and feel is friendly, clean, and welcoming--exactly what you'd expect from a health clinic. Smile offers four unique homepage layouts to choose from; or, you can mix and match components to create your own. In addition, there are three different Services and About page layouts, and built-in CMS for blogging. With some unique branding and customization added in, Smile could provide a solid foundation for any kind of small, service-based business website.

5. Fitnesso (free)

Fitnesso Webflow template

Fitnesso is a free Webflow template for fitness coaches by Uros Mikic. With built-in e-commerce, Fitnesso is ideal for any kind of coach or service provider who wants to sell their packages directly through their website. The template also makes it easy to schedule appointments and collect emails through free resources. It's beautifully designed with subtle and engaging interactive elements. As a bonus, Fitnesso includes free customer support and template updates. Check out Fitnesso to help you sell your (or your client's) coaching services with ease.

6. Ember ($34 USD)

Ember Webflow template

Restaurants have fairly unique website needs. For instance, menu display, quality photography, and online ordering or reservations are all top priorities in this niche. Enter Ember, a beautifully simple Webflow template for restaurants by Medium Rare. Ember's modern and elegant design is ideal for fine dining establishments. The split-screen layout makes it easy to show off photos of the restaurant's signature dishes and ambiance. The Menu page layout offers a simple solution for displaying the menu that can easily be modified on the back-end. Plus, accept reservations seamlessly through the built-in reservation form.

7. Yogi ($79 USD)

Yogi Webflow template

Yogi is a full-feature Webflow template for yoga instructors and studios created by BRIX Templates. The comprehensive template offers everything a yoga studio needs, such as class schedules, online scheduling, and even a retreat page. In addition, it includes blog and product page templates. Yogi offers a pleasant browsing experience with large images, subtle animations, and plenty of whitespace. Although it's geared towards serving the yoga niche, this Webflow template could work swimmingly for any kind of fitness studio or coach.

8. Better Half ($24 USD)

Better Half Webflow template

Better Half is a beautiful and minimalist Webflow template for photographers by Flowyak. This website style--with oversized, misaligned text and animated images--is currently very trendy among creatives. Better Half operates by the "show don't tell" method, with the photographs standing front and center and very little text. As an added bonus, the template includes an option to switch to dark mode, which is a bit easier on the eyes.

9. Guru ($79 USD)

Guru Webflow template

Need to create a website for an online course platform? Look no further than Guru, a Webflow template by Medium Rare. This comprehensive template comes with all the features you need already built in. In other words, there's no need to pay for and integrate a third-party course platform like Teachable or Kajabi. Using a combination of Webflow CMS and Webflow Ecommerce, Guru enables you to host both free and paid courses by multiple instructors right on your website. The included page templates are intuitive and user-friendly. Guru is a great option for getting an online course up and running quickly on a single platform.

10. Toystore (free)

Toystore Webflow template

Toystore is a simple and playful ecommerce website template for Webflow by Elastic Themes. The template features built-in ecommerce functionality and is perfect for youthful brands. Moreover, subtle animations help different elements pop on the page. If you're looking for a free ecommerce template, Toystore could provide a solid foundation for your website.

11. Grand Standard ($49 USD)

Grand Standard Webflow template

Grand Standard offers a unique approach to hotel website design. Unlike generic hotel websites that focus on the availability search feature above the fold, this Webflow template by Greg Washington encourages you to instead focus on storytelling. The focal points of this template are the hotel's story and unique value proposition (P.S. This strategy for attracting clients is what Ran Segall teaches in The 6-Figure Freelancer. Click here to learn more.) Other features include large image sections and categorized landing pages, which are perfect for sharing amenities, menus, and events.

12. Impact ($34 USD)

Impact Webflow template

These days, more and more industry leaders are creating podcasts to share their knowledge and grow their reach. In turn, there's an increased demand for websites that share and promote these podcasts. Impact is a clean and modern Webflow template by Obencci that's perfect for authors, coaches, and speakers who host a podcast. It's simple and user-friendly, both on the front- and back-end.

13. Saasy ($79 USD)

Saasy Webflow template

Saasy is a Webflow ecommerce template for--you guessed it--SaaS and software companies. With two homepage layouts to choose from, Saasy makes it easy to customize the template to your unique needs. A total of 14 unique page templates are included, plus built-in blog and ecommerce integrations. This versatile template by BRIX Templates is designed with conversion in mind. In sum, Saasy is a great template for tech companies looking to get their website up and running quickly and effectively.

14. Kayan ($79 USD)

Kayan Webflow template

Kayan is a Webflow template created especially for charities and non-profit organizations by Dorian Hoxha. This flexible and engaging template includes blogging and ecommerce capabilities. Three unique homepage templates offer design versatility. Subtle animations and hover effects help make the website more engaging and interactive. The various content sections, such as testimonials, products, newsletter signups, and price tables, are strategically designed to help organizations achieve their goals. Overall, Kayan is a clean and user-friendly Webflow template that's an excellent option for charities and nonprofits.

15. Vera ($49 USD)

Vera Webflow template

Having an engaging and user-friendly website is essential for ecommerce brands. In other words, the quality of the website can literally make or break the business. Fortunately, Webflow templates like Vera make it easy to create a stunning and reliable ecommerce website. Created by Kreshnik Beqi, Vera is a clean and modern website template for fashion and other high-end brands. Featuring large images and video sections, Vera intentionally draws attention to the products themselves. Simple and beautiful, Vera is a great ecommerce template option for new, luxury brands.

16. Aurora ($49 USD)

Aurora Webflow template

Aurora is a trendy Webflow template created for SaaS, startups, software, and mobile app companies. Featuring dark mode, glowing colors, and gradients, this template by Azwedo hits on several top web design trends. Unique scrolling effects add a touch of versatility that helps the website stand out in a fun and engaging way. The overall look and feel is modern, friendly, and high tech. With the high degree of customizability that comes with Webflow, Aurora offers a lot of potential for your tech, startup, or software website project.

Create stunning, high value Webflow websites - without relying on templates

While templates are great for new businesses and beginner designers, they do have their limitations. If you're looking to creative a lucrative and fulfilling freelance web design career, it goes without saying that you'll need to create custom websites. With Webflow, you have the freedom to create beautiful, high value websites for your clients without learning how to code.

Over the years, Flux Academy founder Ran Segall developed a process for creating pixel-perfect Webflow websites that demand high prices in a matter of hours. In his comprehensive course, The Webflow Masterclass, Ran spills his secret to success with Webflow.

Click here to learn how to become a premium web designer, capable of developing custom, wow-worthy websites from scratch.